a) Inherent impulse (latent active intelligence)
b) Orders issued by the greater builders
c) Ritual, or compulsion induced through color and sound.
The true alchemist, therefore, will seek only to stimulate the radioactivity of the element (or atom) and will center his attention upon the positive nucleus. By increasing its vibration, its activity or positivity, he will bring about the desired end. The process carried on by the Dark Brotherhood seeks the reverse of this and wherever the attention is centered upon the form and not on the Spirit, the tendency is to Deva worship, for the form is made of Deva substance upon all planes. The central factor of Solar Fire in the work of transmutation will come to be understood through the study of the fire Devas and elementals.
The alchemists have largely been unsuccessful owing to three things:
This is the consequence of undue success in Atlantean days, when the alchemists of the time, through color and sound, so entirely controlled the elementals that they utilized them for their own selfish ends and outside their legitimate province. This knowledge of formulas and sounds can be comparatively easily acquired when man has developed his inner Spiritual ear, because: a) every kingdom has its note and mantric sounds and b) That the note of the mineral kingdom is the basic note of substance itself, and it is largely the sounding of the note combinations, based on this key, which produces the great world cataclysms seen as volcanic action.
Every gradation of that note is found in the mineral kingdom which is divided into three main kingdoms:
When scientists fully appreciate what it is which causes the difference between a sapphire and a ruby, they will have found out what constitutes one of the stages of the transmutative process. This, however, they cannot do until the fourth Ether is controlled. Man should, in seeking the secret of atomic energy, concentrate his attention on the higher form of life transference through knowledge of the Devas, through external pressure and vibration, through internal stimulation, through color applied in stimulation and vitalization and through mantric sounds.