Meditation 31
Revelation of the Science of Service
(Volume 1 - Page 542-543)
The meditation described below is definitely a fifth ray meditation and has for its purpose the revelation of the science of service. The fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge is, in reality, that on which a man learns to use all acquired knowledge of the "form divine" in such a way that the inner life is served and the outer form becomes the magnetic expression of the divine life. It is the ray of intelligent love above all else—a fact which is seldom remembered or known.
First month............ The great Wheel turns—the Potter's wheel. The vase of life is formed.
Second month....... The ivory puzzle box contains the many lesser forms, all true to type, conforming to the pattern. They veil a central ball—the seed of life.
Third month........... A chrysalis appears. Upon its outer shell, upon the inner side, appears the pattern of the form which is to be. What is that future form?
Fourth month......... A block of marble, deep within the quarry lies. Hidden within it lies likewise a form of rare beauty. The sculptor works, patterning true to that which lies revealed unto the inner sight. He patterns true and beauty comes to life.
Fifth month............ A bridge is built. Two forms are brought within each other's reach. Build thou a form, a bridge.
Sixth month........... I saw all forms gathered within the Form of God. Thus one great Form appeared.