We might here make the following suggestions as to the relation between the races and the centers in the body of humanity:
7th and Final Rootrace Head Center Will, the Plan
6th Rootrace. Ajna Center Intuitive integration
5th Rootrace. Throat Center Creative power
4th and past Rootrace Solar Plexus Center Psychic sensitivity
3rd and first human race Sacral Center Physical appearance, generation
2nd and Etheric race Heart Center Life forces coordinated
1st race Base of Spine The Will to be, to exist
Two Rays of divine energy are peculiarly active in bringing this kingdom into manifestation:
The fourth Ray is the Ray par excellence which governs humanity. There is a numerical relation to be noted here, for the fourth creative Hierarchy of human Monads, the fourth Ray, in this fourth round, on the fourth globe, the Earth, are extremely active. It is their close interrelation and interplay which is responsible for the emergence into prominence of humanity. In other rounds, humanity has not been the dominant evolution or the most important. In this round it is. In the next round, the dominant evolution will be that of Souls on the Astral level, and the Deva kingdom.
The human entity is a curious synthesis, on the subjective side of his nature, producing a fusion of life, of power, of harmonious intent and of mental activity. The following should be noted, for it is of profound psychological interest and import:
I am using this term, the Aryan Race, or what might be more adequately called the Aryan consciousness, for that consciousness demonstrates in a two-fold manner as mental power and personality force. It is found at a certain stage in every human being and in every race; it must therefore be remembered that I am not using the word Aryan as synonymous with Nordic but as descriptive of the intellectual goal of humanity, of which our Occidental civilisation is in the early stages, but which men of all time and all races have individually demonstrated. The Aryan state of consciousness is one into which all men eventually pass.