- Acquisitiveness, the illusion of material need.
- The period called in the Bible, that of "riotous living" on the part of the Prodigal Son.
- The application and use of energy for personal, selfish intent.
- Personality life, with all that is therein implied; ambition, selfish purpose, etc.
- Attachment to the seen, the known, and the familiar, external, objective forms.
- The stage wherein thought forms are built, at first ignorantly, and then with deliberate selfishness.
- The period of engrossment in the things of the kingdom of earth.
- The world, the flesh, and the devil.
On the side of Soul expression, which is governed by detachment, the following phrases and sentences will give an idea of the progress and intent:
- The stage of Spiritualisation and of de-materialisation. The Soul functions with the purpose of
liberation before it, and not of further Physical plane experience.
- The relinquishment of form life.
- The period wherein satiety is experienced; the desires have been so dominant and so often satisfied
that they no longer attract.
- The process, in detail, of liberation from:
- A body or bodies
- A sheath or sheaths
- A vehicle or vehicles
- A form or forms
- Emergence into light, a symbolic way of expressing the reverse of immersion in darkness.
- The Path of Return, motivated by the wish to appropriate nothing for the separated self. The beginning
of group consciousness and of group work.
- Selflessness, the major characteristic of the Soul or Self.
- Freedom from the desire to possess, freedom from acquisitiveness, and therefore the state of
- The establishing of the sense of reality as the ruling principle of the life.
- The return of the Prodigal Son to the Fathers home.
- The application and use of energy for group purpose and in cooperation with the Plan for the whole.
- The life of the Soul with all that is implied in that phrase.
- Love of God in contradistinction to love of self.
- Attachment to the unseen, the true, the subjective and the Real, which is only possible when there has
been detachment from the seen, the false, the objective and the unreal.
- Complete liberation from the control of the lower mind.
- The period wherein the center of interest is the kingdom of God and of the Soul.
- Reality. Formlessness. God.