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This great and Spiritual grouping of servers is, on the Physical plane, only very loosely linked. On the Astral plane the linking is stronger and is based upon love of humanity; on the Mental plane the major linking takes place, from the angle of the three worlds as a whole. It will be apparent, therefore, that certain developments must have taken place in the individual before he can consciously become a functioning member of the New Group of World Servers, which is the principal group at this time definitely working under the Law of Group Progress:

  1. He must have the Heart center awakened, and be so outgoing in his "behaviour" that the heart is rapidly linked up with the Heart centers of at least eight other people. Groups of nine awakened aspirants can then be occultly absorbed in the Heart center of the planetary Logos. Through it, His life can flow and the group members can contribute their quota of energy to the life influences circulating throughout His body. The above piece of information is only of interest to those who are Spiritually awakened, and will mean little or nothing to those who are asleep.

  1. The Head center must also be in process of awakening, and the ability to "hold the mind steady in the light" must be somewhat developed.

  1. Some forms of creative activity must likewise be found and the server must be active along some humanitarian, artistic, literary, philosophic or scientific lines.

All this involves personality integration and alignment and that magnetic, attractive appeal which is distinctive of all disciples in some form or another. In this way from the standpoint of esotericism, certain great triangles of energy will be found in the individual and consequently increasingly in humanity. Then too the "forces of creative life" will circulate from the "point within the head" (the Head center) along the "line to the heart" and then, with the Throat center, form a "triangle of fiery light". Such is the Way of Group Progress, and when this is being consummated, then the Law of Group Progress begins definitely to function and to control. It might be of interest, if we here listed the recognised effects of the five laws with which we have been dealing:

      Law                  Effect                Physical Effect        Reaction                Quality                

1. Sacrifice                  World Saviours        Deliberate Death        Love for the Saviour        Selflessness

2. Magnetic Impulse  World Religion        Churches                 Love of Ideas                Idealism

3. Service                  Humanitarianism        Organizations        Love of Humanity        Compassion

4. Repulse                  Fight vs. Evil        All Crusades                Love of Good                Discrimination

5. Group Progress          New Groups                NGWS                Love of Synthesis        Inclusiveness


The other five laws have worked out into a definite activity upon the Physical plane. The effect or consequences of the impulses behind them produce the working out of the purpose of the Most High, and can be recognised upon the plane of phenomena. They can all be so recognised, but at this time, the conscious awareness of humanity is such that only in five instances can the effect of these laws be noted, and then only by the most advanced of the world aspirants.


We stand today on the verge of great things. Humanity is on its way with renewed impetus. It stands no longer at the crossroads, but irrevocable decisions have been made, and the race is moving forward along a path which will lead it eventually into light and peace. It will find its way into "the peace which passeth understanding" because it will be a peace which is independent of outer conditions and which is not based upon what present humanity defines as peace. The peace which lies ahead of the race is the peace of serenity and of joy—a serenity, based upon Spiritual understanding; and a serenity is not an Astral condition but a Soul reaction. These qualities are not achieved as the result of disciplining the emotional nature, but demonstrate as a natural, automatic realignment. These two qualities of the Soul—serenity and joy—are the indications that the Soul, the Ego, the One Who stands alone, is controlling or dominating the personality, circumstance, and all environing conditions of life in the three worlds.


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