Past Integrations
Between the animal body and the vital body. Between these two and the sensitive desire nature. Between these three and the lower concrete mind.
Present Integrations
Between these four aspects thus producing a coordinated personality.
Future Integration
Between the personality and the Soul.
The point to be remembered is that in racial history, many of these integrations have already taken place unconsciously as the result of life-stimulation, the evolutionary urge, the normal processes of living, experience through contact with the environment, and also of satisfaction leading to satiety of the desire nature. But there comes a time in racial unfoldment, as in the lives of individuals, when the blind process of evolutionary acquiescence becomes the living conscious effort, and it is right at this point that humanity stands today.
Hence the realisation of the human problem in terms of modern psychology; hence the widespread suffering of human units everywhere; hence the effort of modern education; and hence also the emergence in every country on a wide scale and in increasingly large numbers of three kinds of people:
Attention will then be given to the integration of the personality, so that all three aspects shall function as one unit. We have, therefore:
The difficulty today is that we have on every hand people at all different stages in the integrative process; all of them in a "state of crisis" and all of them therefore providing the problems of modern psychology.
These problems may be divided more precisely into three major groupings:
a. The problems of integration.
b. Those arising out of a sense of duality.
This sense of duality, as the result of realized cleavage, ranges all the way from the "split personality" difficulties of so many people to those of the mystic with his emphasis upon the lover and the loved, the seeker and the sought, upon God and His child.