- A period wherein there takes place a definite heightening and intensifying of force. The light of the centers is brighter and the Solar Plexus center, in particular, becomes very active. As yet, all the real life of the man is focused below the diaphragm. The centers above the diaphragm are dim and dull and relatively inactive; the point at the center is, however, more electrical and dynamic. At this stage, the man is the average intelligent citizen, predominantly controlled by his lower nature and his emotional reactions, with what mind he has actively employed in bringing satisfaction to his needs. His centers are the receivers primarily of physical and Astral forces, but occasionally respond to mental impacts.
- A period wherein the first transference is being made. This can last a long time and cover several lives. The centers below the diaphragm are fully awakened; their activity is great; their light is vivid; their interrelation is real, so much so that a complete magnetic field has been set up involving the whole area below the diaphragm and becoming potent enough to extend its influence above the diaphragm. The Solar Plexus becomes the dominant organ in the place of the sacral center which has so long determined the life of the animal nature. It becomes the recipient of energy streams from below which it absorbs and starts on its task of deflecting them and transferring them to the higher centers. The man is now the highly intelligent citizen and aspirant. He is conscious of the dualism of his nature, of that which is below and of that which is above, as it has been called, and is ready to tread the Probationary Path.
- A period wherein the transference is continued. The sacral forces are carried to the throat and the Solar Plexus forces are carried to the heart. The latter transference is as yet of so small a measure that the effect of the transference is almost negligible. This period is a long and very difficult one. Today, most people are going through periods c and d, which are preparatory to the expression of the mystical life.
- A period wherein the heart and Throat centers are brought into activity. The man is creatively intelligent along some line or other and is slowly becoming group conscious. As yet, however, his reactions are still selfishly motivated though—at the same time—he is subject to cycles of vision and periods of Spiritual effort. The mystical life is definitely attracting him. He is becoming the mystic.
- A second period of transference ensues and the Ajna center, which governs the integrated personality, becomes active and dominant. The life of feeling and of mystical effort is, at this time, liable to die down temporarily in its expressed fervour and ardent disciplines, and personality integration, personality ambitions personality aims and personality expression take its place. This is a right and good change and tends correctly to a rounded out development. It is only temporary, for still the mystic sleeps beneath the outer activity and the intelligent worldly effort, and will emerge again to living endeavour when the mind nature has been fully aroused and is controlling, when desire for mental satisfaction has been satiated and the "son of God is ready to arise and enter the Father's house". During this period, we find the intelligently creative or the powerful man will come to the zenith of his personality life. The centers below the head will all be active and functioning, but the centers below the diaphragm will be subordinated to and controlled by those found above. They are subject then to the conditioning will of the man who is governed at this time by ambition, intellectual expediency and that form of group work which tends to the expression of his personality potency. The Ajna center is vivid and potent; the Throat center is intensely active and the Heart center is rapidly awakening.
- A period wherein the highest Head center is brought into radiant activity. This occurs as the result of the uprising (in a fresh and more potent manner) of the mystical instinct, plus, this time, an intelligent approach to reality. The result is twofold:
- The Soul begins to pour its energy into all the Etheric or vital centers, via the Head center.
- The point at the heart of each center comes into its first real activity; it becomes radiant, brilliant, magnetic and forceful, so that it "dims the light of all that lies around."