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d. It is the center through which the intelligence aspect of humanity focusses creatively. It is therefore the center through which the creative energy of that great planetary center called Humanity flows. The three major planetary centers are Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity. When perfection has been achieved, the Shamballa energy of will, power and purpose will pour freely through the Head center, the love-wisdom energies of the Hierarchy will flow through the Heart center, and the energy of humanity will focus through the Throat center, with the Ajna center acting as the agent of all three. Then will take place a new activity on the part of mankind. It is the task of relating the three superhuman kingdoms to the three subhuman kingdoms, and thus establishing the new heavens and the new earth. Then humanity will have reached the summit of its evolutionary goal on this Earth.

e. The Throat center is the organ specifically of the creative WORD. It registers the intention or creative purpose of the Soul, transmitted to it by the inflow of energy from the Ajna center; the fusion of the two energies, thus brought about, will lead to some type of creative activity. This is the higher correspondence to the creativity of the sacral center. In that center the negative and the positive creative energies are embodied in the separate male and female organisms and are brought into relation in an act of creation, consciously undertaken, though as yet without much definite purpose.

f. The dense physical externalisation of this center is the thyroid gland. This gland is regarded as of supreme importance in the well-being of the average human being of today. Its purpose is to guard health, to balance the bodily equilibrium in certain important aspects of the physical nature, and it symbolises the third aspect of intelligence and of substance impregnated with mind. It is in reality connected with the Holy Ghost, or the third divine aspect in manifestation, "overshadowing" (as the Bible expresses it), the Mother, the Virgin Mary. The parathyroids are symbolic of Mary and Joseph and the relation they hold to the overshadowing Holy Ghost. It will eventually be determined that there is a close physiological relation existing between the thyroid gland and the pineal gland, and between the parathyroids and the two lobes of the pituitary body, thus bringing into one related system the entire area of the throat and of the head.

g. Just as the head symbolises the essentially dualistic nature of the manifested God, so the Throat center symbolises the triple nature of the divine expression. The dualistic nature appears fused and blended in the head in the relation between the two centers and their two dense physical reflections. The three great energies which are brought into play during the divine creative activity are unified in activity by the full expression of the energy flowing through the Throat center, through the apparatus of speech and the two lungs. You have in this relation: Life or Breath, the Word or the Soul, and the Throat center of Substance in activity.

h. This lotus of the throat is inverted in the early stages of evolution, and its petals reach out towards the shoulders and include the two lungs or parts of them. During the life cycle of the Soul, it slowly reverses itself, and its petals then reach out towards the two ears and include the medulla oblongata and the carotid gland. This gland is more closely related to the thyroid gland than it is to the two other glands in the head.

Thus it will be apparent to you how whole areas of the physical organism can be brought into active and correct functioning, can be vitalised and kept in good and true condition by the activity in some form or another of the center nearest to the area of the body under consideration. It will also be apparent to you that deficiency and disease can result from the inactivity of a center.

4.  The Heart Center: This is located between the shoulder blades and is—in this day and age—the center which is receiving the most attention from Those Who are responsible for the unfoldment of the human consciousness. It might be truly said, brother of mine, that the rapid unfoldment of this lotus is one of the reasons why the world war could not be avoided. In one sense, it was a necessary happening (given the blind selfishness of the bulk of humanity) because it had become necessary to do away with all the old forms of government, of religion and of the crystallised social order. Humanity has now reached a point of group awareness and of group interplay of a deeply Spiritual kind, and new forms were required through which this new Spirit could function more adequately.


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