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  1. As the true astrology comes into its own and is developed into a reputable science, the charts of the Soul and of the personality can be related to each other; then the Etheric body will be checked by correct astrological conclusions, and the physician will be on far surer ground than he now is. The astrology of the past concerned the life of the personality; the astrology of the future will indicate the purpose of the Soul, and will completely revolutionise medicine (among other things).

  1. These astrological findings will not only be related to the personality and the Soul charts, but will also enter the field of medicine, particularly in relation to the Etheric body. Today, any astrological investigation done in the field of medicine has relation to physical disease within the physical body; in the future, it will concentrate upon the condition of the Etheric vehicle. This is a new and imminent development in astrological research.

The success of modern medicine is today so great that millions of people are kept alive—if not cured—who in earlier days and with less scientific aptitude would normally have died. In this developed skill and knowledge, and in this aptitude in the care of the physical mechanism, is today to be found a major world problem—the problem of the overpopulation of the planet, leading to the herd life of humanity and the consequent economic problem—to mention only one of the incidental difficulties of this success. This "unnatural" preservation of life is the cause of much suffering and is a fruitful source of war, being contrary to the karmic intent of the planetary Logos.

The study of inherited disease indicates a faint recognition of man's karmic liabilities and karmic tendencies. A mistake lies however in the belief that these tendencies are to be found in the germs of life and of substance, brought together at the moment of conception, and therefore that the father or the mother is responsible for the transmission. Such is not the case. The subject in incarnation has—from the angle of the Soul—definitely and consciously chosen his parents for what they can contribute to his physical make-up whilst in incarnation. The vital body is therefore of such a nature that the man is predisposed to a particular type of infection or of disease; the physical body is of such a nature that its line of least resistance permits of the appearance and control of that which the vital body makes possible; the incarnating Soul produces, in its creative work and in its vital vehicle, a particular constitution to which the parents chosen contribute a definite tendency. The man is therefore nonresistant to certain types of disease. This is determined by the karma of the man.

Healers and healing groups work as yet at a great disadvantage; but they can begin now to work, and their work is of a twofold nature:

  1. They can, through the power of directed thought, pour energy into the center which is the determining factor in that area of the physical body where the trouble lies. If, for instance, the patient is suffering from such a difficulty as gastric ulcer, the stimulation of the Solar Plexus center may produce a cure, provided that the work done is purely mental and that the results expected are purely physical. Otherwise the emotional nature will share in the stimulation and real difficulty will arise.

  1. They can stimulate a center higher than the one controlling a particular area and thus—by the intensification of the higher center—reduce the vitality of the lower. If, for instance, there is disease or trouble in connection with the organs of generation (as for instance disease of the prostate gland), then the Throat center should receive attention. It is that center which must eventually be the recipient of the energy of the lower creative aspect or correspondence. This is called "the technique of the withdrawal of the fire"; by its means what you call overstimulation in certain cases, or inflammation in others, can be stopped.

These two ways of using energy and thought control form the occult basis for the two fundamental methods used in directing energy in diseased areas. They produce, in the one case, an intensification of the life of the associated center, with a consequent definite effect upon the diseased area; or they lessen the inflow of force in the other case, and thus weaken the quality of the disease. It will be apparent, therefore, that much must be known of the effects of these two basic and different techniques before a healer dare work. Otherwise he might greatly increase the trouble in the diseased area and even succeed (which frequently happens) in killing the patient.


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