What is the relation between the sacred planets, planetary schemes, chains and globes?
Three of the sacred planets represent the major three Rays. Other planets embody the four lesser subrays. The seven Heavenly Men, considered in relation to the Solar Logos, are the seven centers as in the physical body of a human. Three of these ten planetary schemes, therefore, concern the lower centers of the cosmic Being, and have their analogies to the dense, liquid and gaseous planes, and are the object of the attention of cosmic kundalini at present.
One of these centers corresponds to the Solar Plexus and is the synthesizer of the lower three, thus making a quaternary. The center which is analogous to that at the Base of the Spine has a permanence the other two lack. The three higher centers, or the Heavenly Men Who correspond to the head, heart and throat of the Solar Logos, have their Etheric analogies on the three higher Etheric levels of the cosmic Physical plane, just as the Heavenly Man who embodies the logoic Solar Plexus finds his manifesting source on the fourth Etheric subplane.
When the Heavenly Man who is at present demonstrating through the Earth scheme, has succeeded in vitalizing His middle center, or in directing the force of planetary kundalini away from the lower centers to the Solar Plexus center, a new cycle will be reached and much of the present distress will be ended.
In connection with the Solar Logos, the cycles might be called:
a) 100 years of Brahma
b) One year of Brahma
c) One day of Brahma
The correspondences in connection with a Heavenly Man are:
a) Planetary scheme
b) Chain
c) Round
Within these three divisions are numerous lesser cycles, or incarnations, but they all fall within one or other of the three divisions. Some lesser cycles are:
a) Period of manifestation on a globe
b) Period of a root-race
c) Period of a sub-race
d) Period of a branch race
Within man, the analogy holds: a) Monadic cycle b) Egoic cycle c) Personality cycle.
The cycles in a man’s Personality manifestation demonstrate in groups of fours and sevens, and follow the usual evolutionary sequence as:
As man progresses, he succeeds in bringing about some notable developments:
So it is for the Heavenly Men, for They likewise have a cosmic path to tread that is analogous to that trodden by man as he nears the goal of his endeavor. We can carry the concept further with exactitude and predicate action of a similar nature by the Solar Logos.