It is my intention to be very practical. The building of the Antahkarana (which is consciously undertaken upon the Path of Discipleship) is a process which is followed under certain ancient and proven rules. When these rules are correctly followed, the sequence of events and the appearance of the desired results are inevitable and unavoidable. There is much that I could say which would be of small use to the average aspirant, as it would be concerned with subjective realities which—though existent and occult facts in a natural process—are as yet unrealisable. My problem is to present the process in such a manner that—towards the end of this century—educators will be thinking, speaking and teaching in terms of bridging, and thus approaching basic statements which have a definite bearing upon this point which we are considering. I would like here very succinctly to recall a few of them to your attention:
Students would do well to learn that this process of building the Antahkarana is one of the means whereby man, the trinity, becomes a duality. When the task is completed and the Antahkarana is definitely built—thus producing perfect alignment between the Monad and its expression upon the Physical plane—the body of the Soul (the Causal body) is completely and finally destroyed by the fire of the Monad, pouring down the Antahkarana. There is then complete reciprocity between the Monad and the fully conscious Soul on the Physical plane. The "divine intermediary" is no longer required. The "Son of God Who is the Son of Mind" dies; the "veil of the temple is rent in twain from the top to the bottom"; the fourth initiation is passed, and there then comes the revelation of the Father.
This is the final and far-reaching result of the building of the bridge which is, in reality, the establishing of a line of light between Monad and personality as a full expression of the Soul—between Spirit and matter, between Father and Mother. It is evidence that "Spirit has mounted on the shoulders of matter" to that high place from whence it originally came, plus the gain of experience and of full knowledge, and of all that life in material form could give and all that conscious experience could confer. The Son has done His work. The task of the Saviour or of the Mediator has been completed. The unity of all things is known to be a fact in consciousness, and a human Spirit can say with intention and with understanding: "I and my Father are one."
The above is a brief and probably meaningless statement except theoretically, but it summarises the task which lies ahead and the work of the disciple who is in process of constructing the Antahkarana. There is a close connection between the fourth initiation, the quaternary in its evolved condition—vital body, emotional vehicle, mind and Soul—and this fourth technical stage of building consciously the "rainbow bridge." You have therefore: