d) The 3rd Ray of Aspect will predominate at the end of the fifth round. In the sixth it will be paralleled by the 2nd Ray, in the seventh round the 2nd Ray will predominate and the influence of the 3rd will weaken as the 1st Ray will set its second great impulse upon our planetary evolution by the obscuration of 2/5 of humanity, Whose influence might be considered as threefold:
As regards man, it is thus evident that the fourth, fifth and seventh rounds hold the key to the first aspect. For the Devas it is the 1st, second and sixth. For the involutionary entity whom we call the Spirit of the Planet, it is simply the third.
Ray Effects
Every Ray affects, in more or less degree, the plane or subplane which is its numerical correspondence.
Fourth Ray Effects: The second manasic aspect will work out in the following ways:
In the development of the intuition by the means of the knowledge of sound vibration and the higher mathematics. Music as a means to be employed in building and destroying, will be recognized and the laws of levitation and of rhythmic movement in all forms (from an atom to a solar system) will be studied. The manipulation of matter by the means of sound will be practiced on the two lower planes, and when the synthesis of the four Rays in the Third is in the process of accomplishment, a similar knowledge will be displayed upon the Mental plane and the laws of fire will be gradually permitted exoteric publication.
Healing will fall into two departments:
Religious students will study the ‘life side’ of manifestation just as the scientist studies the ‘matter’ and both will come to a realization of the close relation between the two.
Fifth Ray Effects
This Ray concerns itself with the building of form, the utilization of matter and the embodying of ideas. This influence has waxed and waned, dying down during the fourth rootrace and waxing steadily greater during this fifth, or Aryan. For a period immediately ahead, His electrical energizing force will pour on the planet and bring fresh discoveries about matter and form, and energy in matter.