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The Place of the Permanent Atom in the Egoic Body

a) The Astral permanent atom in this solar system, is the recipient of a great flow of force or energy, and receives more stimulation than the others for the following reasons:

  1. The center of polarization for the fourth (human) kingdom is in the Astral consciousness, viewing this kingdom as a unity.

  1. The goal set before humanity is that of becoming conscious units in the body of the Dragon of Love-Wisdom.  This a man achieves when he can function consciously in the Buddhic vehicle, or when the Astral permanent atom is superseded by the Buddhic permanent atom.

  1. The second aspect of the Logos, (the manifestation of the love nature of the Logos through the medium of the Son) is the one demonstrated in this system, for the following reasons:  

  1. This system is a Son of Necessity, or of desire.  

  1. It is vibrant to the key of the cosmic Ray of Love.  

  1. The form through which this Ray is expressing itself.  (duality)  It is governed by the Law of Attraction, the Monads of Love are the dominating quality.

  1. Our solar system forms the center in the cosmic body of the One greater than our Solar Logos equivalent to that of the Heart center.  All within the solar ring-pass-not are parts of that vast cosmic Heart center, the petals in the Lotus.  This force, when rightly directed and properly controlled, is the great transmuting agency which will make man a Master of the Wisdom and a Lord of Love.

  1. This solar system is interpenetrated by His Astral body as is the case with a human manifestation.  As the Logos is polarized in His cosmic Astral sheath, and has not yet attained cosmic mental polarization, His force or desire nature is the main incentive for the subjective Life and lives that underlie that form.

Therefore, it is necessary to bear in mind the relative importance of the Astral permanent atom (the second aspect) of the personality within the Causal periphery, and to remember that the force which flows through that atom, and is the animating force of the Astral body, is following the lines of least resistance and might be considered as bearing upon his physical manifestation in a manner twice as strong as that reaching him through the other two.

b) The atomic triangle: The Causal sheath is a sphere of vibrant living substance containing three fiery points; at the heart is a central blaze of light, emitting seven Rays, which play upon these points or circles, (analogous to the electrons) and produce effect upon the Astral permanent atom.  

The physical permanent atom has a position relatively close to the center, and the force plays through it, and passes on to the Astral permanent atom in the form of five Rays of parti-colored light, which blend with the vivid hue of the Astral permanent atom, and increase its intensity until the blaze appears as if the two points blended, (or the electrons merged) thus producing such intensity of light that they are seen as dissolving.

The mental unit, having a position within the Causal body analogous to the planet furthermost from the sun, becomes vibrant likewise, and the two other points (now considered as one) begin to interact with the mental unit.  A similar process is pursued until these two points, circulating around their positive center, also approach each other, blend, merge and dissolve.  The center of positive life gathers, or synthesizes, the three points and thus the three fires of the personality repeat on their tiny scale the microcosmic procedure as seen in the synthesis of Electric Fire, Solar Fire and Fire by Friction until only a single blazing unit is left.  This unit burns up the Causal body and escapes back on to the planes of abstraction.  Thus man is the Path itself, and also the pilgrim upon the Path; thus does he burn, but is also the burning ground.  The analogy holds true, as the same process is used on cosmic levels.


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