In regard to the four minor Rays, their control exists in degrees on all the planes but they have their particular emphasis in the evolution of the reincarnating Ego in the three worlds at this time and control, in a subtle and peculiar manner, the four kingdoms of nature. In a subtle way (meaning a statement of actuality that seems to be an illusion) the three minor Rays (5, 6 and 7) have each a connection with the three kingdoms of nature below the human.
5. The Law of Fixation
This is the governing law of the Mental plane, finding its greater correspondence in the Law of Karma on the cosmic mental levels. “As a man thinks, so he is.” According to his thoughts are his desires and acts, and so results the future. The word “Fixation” is chosen for two purposes; the word implies the capacity of the thinker to shape his own destiny and because it implies a stabilizing idea.
It is the law under which the evolving personality builds up, during the course of many lives, the Causal body. It also governs the time of rebirth, being one of the subsidiary branches of the Law of Karma; each of the seven subsidiary laws is linked to one of the cosmic laws, or with the Sirian Law of Karma. In the fifth round, this law will act as the divider, temporarily crystallizing and fixing the two great human Monads as they evolve. One group (containing those who reach the goal) will pass gradually out from under the domination of this law and come under the Law of Magnetic Control. The other will remain under the law in a static condition, until in a later period a fresh opportunity will come, the chance when they can again swing into the current of evolution and the imprisoned Spirits may mount again towards their source.
The Devas are the mother aspect, the builders of the body, and the reincarnating Jivas are the Son aspect; yet the two are but one, and the result is the divine hermaphroditic man.
6. The Law of Love
Love in the personality develops gradually through the stages of love of self, pure and simple and entirely selfish, to love of family and friends, to love of men and women, until it arrives at the stage of love of humanity, or group love-consciousness, which is the predominant characteristic of the Ego. A Master of Compassion loves, suffers with, and remains with His kind and kin; a love that expresses not only love of humanity, but also love of the Deva evolutions in their totality, including all forms of divine manifestation.
Love was the impelling motive for manifestation and love keeps all in ordered sequence; love bears all on the path of return to the Father’s bosom and love eventually perfects all that is. Love demonstrates through the concrete Rays, the aspects of divinity forming the persona that hides the one Self. The sixth Ray of Devotion and the sixth Law of Love have a close alliance and on the sixth plane comes the powerful working out in the lower Triad, the Personality, of the Law of Love. On the Astral plane, the home of the desires, originate those feelings which we call personal love; low at first but as evolution proceeds it shows itself as a gradual expansion of the love faculty, passing through the stages of love of mate, of family, of surrounding associates, of one’s entire environment. Patriotism will give place to love of humanity. The Astral plane is the most important for us, for in uncorrected desire lies the difference between the personality consciousness and that of the Ego.
7. The Law of Sacrifice and Death
This law links to the third Law of Disintegration, following the connection that always exists between the Atmic and the Physical plane. It controls the fivefold destruction of forms in the five lower worlds, and the Law of Death controls similarly in the lowest three worlds. The Law of Sacrifice is the Law of Death for the subtle bodies, whilst what we call death is analogous in the physical body. This law governs the disintegration of forms and their sacrifice to the evolving life, and is closely linked in its manifestation with the seventh Ray.
This Ray is the one that largely controls, that manipulates, that geometrizes the form side, governing the elemental forces of nature. The Physical plane is the most concrete exemplification of the form side, holding the divine life imprisoned or enmeshed at its densest point. In a mysterious way, this law is the reverse side of the first Law of Vibration. It is Vulcan and Neptune in opposition.