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The Solar Logos is the initiatory impulse, the Father of the Son, and is the sumtotal of the Pitris.  The union of Father (positive force) and Mother (negative force) produces that central blaze which we call the form, the body of manifestation of the Son.  A Planetary Man holds an analogous position in relation to a scheme, and a man in relation to his lesser sphere.

The lesser Builders are the negative aspect and are swept into action in group formation through the action of positive force upon them.  The Adept of the Light, working with the greater Builders on the side of evolution, works consciously with the dual aspects of polarity and views substance as that which is negative, and can therefore balance forces in the best interests of the plan of evolution.  The Brother of Darkness, works with negative substance, or with the lesser Builders to bring about his own, selfish ends.


 The building Devas are the Universal Mind, containing the Logoic plan within their consciousness and inherently possess the power to work it out in time and space, being the conscious forces of evolution.  They not only embody the Divine Thought but are that through which it manifests.  They are that which produces concretion and which gives form to the abstract.  

The solar Pitris and Devas, the greater Builders, are the source of man’s self-consciousness, and it is their action upon the negative aspect which produces the human Ego.  From the Christian point of view, the greater Builders are the Holy Spirit and the lesser Builders correspond to the Virgin Mary.  The lunar Pitris, and the lesser Builders find their fullest expression in the animal kingdom.  When they had produced animal-man, they had performed their prime function and are now slowly coming to a conclusion as their power is being superceded by Spiritual power.  

The lunar Pitris are the builders of man’s lunar body, and are the sumtotal of the dense physical body of the Logos, or the substance of the mental, Astral and Physical planes but not including the Etheric.  They are the product of an earlier solar system, that is why the physical body is not considered a principle and why the lower nature is considered evil.  Evil is that which can be controlled and subdued, but which is permitted to govern.  The positive can always manipulate the negative, but when the negative line is followed and the line of least resistance is not a principle, evil results.

In the first solar system, the lunar Pitris dominated but this present system is in the hands of the solar Pitris, and this idea runs through all manifestation and the kingdoms of nature, for the form nourishes the germ of that which is the next step on in the evolutionary process and are considered the Mother aspect.  For example, the third kingdom nourishes and preserves the germ of that which will some day be a man; the personality is the preserver of that which will some day unfold into Spiritual man.  

It will become apparent how the Heavenly Man, viewing Him as a solar Deity, a self-conscious Entity, works with His negative aspect through positive force, from Logoic Etheric levels to the dense physical, thus bringing to maturity the atoms and cells of His Body, fostering the germ of self-consciousness and fanning the flame until each unit becomes fully group conscious.  Each human being works likewise, functioning in the three worlds while developing the conscious cells in his bodies until each atom eventually reaches the goal.  The Heavenly Man works with Egoic groups, pouring positive force upon them while man works correspondingly through his centers upon his sheaths, and has a responsibility to the lesser lives which must be managed according to the Law of Karma.

b)  The Functions of Devas

From a consideration of the Devas, certain practical knowledge will eventuate:

  1. Knowledge of how to build in mental matter in the three worlds, and how to employ the Devas of the gaseous plane of the cosmic physical.

  1. Realization of how to combine the pairs of opposites and thus give body and form to concept.

  1. Materialization upon the Physical plane of the embodied idea.


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