Hylozoistically Considered: (Hylozoism: The philosophical point of view that Life is inherent in all matter.)
The response of Deva substance to the inflow of force on the Mental plane has a threefold effect in connection with the Logos or the Septenate:
Students should study the significance of the numbers 3, 4 and 5 in the evolution of consciousness, not just in their matter aspect. The Triad, for instance, is usually considered to be a triangle formed by the manasic-Buddhic-Atmic permanent atoms; the cube for the lower material man and the five-pointed star is also usually given only a very material interpretation. All of these perspective are necessary, but they lay the emphasis on the material rather than upon the subjective, nevertheless, the subject should be studied psychologically.
To illustrate, the five-pointed star on the Mental plane signifies, among other things, the evolution by means of the five senses in the three worlds (which are also capable of a fivefold differentiation) of the fifth principle, the attainment of self-consciousness, and the development of the fifth spirilla. On the Buddhic plane, when flashing forth at initiation, this number signifies the full development of the fifth principle, the completed cycle of the Ego upon the five Rays under the Mahachohan, and the assimilation of all that is to be learned upon them, but also the attainment, not only of full self-consciousness, but also of the consciousness of the group wherein a man is found. It infers the full unfoldment of five of the Egoic petals, leaving four to open before the final initiation.
The Solar Angels and the Fifth Principle
Where man is concerned, these solar Angels, the Agnishvattas, produce the union of the Spiritual Triad, or divine Self, and the Quaternary, or lower self. Where the Logoi are concerned, they produce conditions whereby the Etheric and the dense physical become a unit. They represent a type of electrical force and their work is to blend and fuse, and above all else, they are the transmuting fires of the system; those agents who pass the life of God through their bodies of flame as it descends from the higher into the lower, and again as it ascends from the lower into the higher. They are connected in their highest groups to that portion of the Logoic Head center which corresponds to the heart, and are therefore the clue to the mystery of kama-manas, or desire-mind.