Second: The 70 incarnations. These concern the unfoldment of the middle circle. Much may be learned from a consideration of the occult significance involved in the sending out of their followers by any initiate (such as the Christ) in groups of seventy, going two and two. These seventy incarnations primarily effect the development of love in the personal life, the evolution of the Astral nature, based on the recognition of the pairs of opposites, and their equilibrizing in love and service. This cycle covers the period passed by the man in the Hall of Learning.
Third: The 7 incarnations. These are those passed upon the Probationary Path. This is an interesting period in which certain things are effected which might be described in the following terms:
The two outer rings of petals are stimulated in a new and special sense through the conscious act of the probationary disciple. Much of the work hitherto has been pursued under the ordinary laws of evolution and has been unconscious. Now all that changes as the mental body becomes active, and two of the will petals are coordinated, and one "awakes" vitality and unfolds.
The fire or energy from these two rings begins to circulate along the atomic triangle and when this is the case it marks a very momentous epoch; a dual work has been consummated in the personal lower life and in the Egoic:
At the termination of the 777 incarnations, a man passes through the door of initiation and enters upon a brief synthesizing process, or a final period in which he garners the fruits of the experience in the two first halls, and transmutes knowledge into wisdom, transforms the shadow of things seen into the energy of that which is, and achieves the final liberation from all the lower forms which seek to hold him prisoner.
By the time the third Initiation is taken, the inner circle of petals is opened and the full-blown lotus in all its beauty can be seen. At the fourth Initiation the inner bud bursts open through the effect of the electrical force of the Rod, which brings in the power of the synthetic Ray of the solar system itself; the inner jewel is thus revealed. The work has been accomplished; the energy resident in the permanent atoms, has vitalized all the spirillae whilst the perfected force of the lotus, and the dynamic will of the central spark are brought into full and united activity.
This brings about a threefold display of vital force which causes the disintegration of the form and the following results: