These various alignments (when functioning with due adjustment) result in the transmission of energy in the first case from the manasic permanent atom, and in the second case from the Buddhic permanent atom. I would like to enumerate the lines of alignment of the third group which eventually transcends the other two, and effects the final illumination and liberation of the man:
Group III
These three groups of forces in man, when synthesized, produce eventually that perfect coordination and adaptation to all conditions, forms and circumstances which eventuate in the escape of the liberated vital spark.
It remains now to point out the close connection between the unfoldment of the petals in the Egoic lotuses and the Etheric centers in man. It is through the centers that psychic energy flows. Students should carefully bear in mind the two following facts:
First, the Etheric body is vitalized, as we know, by prana. Pranic energy is the stimulator of animal activity, and of Physical plane development. Its effect is primarily upon the atoms of the physical body and it has a triple effect upon the substance of the physical body:
It is only when the Etheric centers, the two Head centers and the Heart center, are fully active with their twelve petals completely unfolded that the central circle of petals in the Egoic lotus (the fourth or inner circle) unfolds. The significance of the four circles in the Egoic lotus, and the eight circles of twelve petals each in the Etheric lotuses on the Mental plane is of great importance.
The centers with which man has to deal are necessarily five at this stage owing to the following facts, which must be studied if a man desires to awaken his centers according to plan, and if he wishes safely to follow along the line of the true psychic unfoldment: